What exactly is a protective security officer, or PSO? That is the focus of our writings here. We’ve all heard of or even seen security officers at work before. Many of these in fact were probably PSO’s at work whether you knew it or not. Read on as we take a closer look at this profession in protection.
The Protective Security Officer Defined
As the name of this occupation suggests, there is a heavy dose of protection involved with its duties. The professional here is therefore tasked with protecting a variety of assets and things. These protected assets can generally be summed up into three categories: people, places, and things. When an important person needs protection at home or in public, this security professional provides that security. Places and physical assets of great interest or value also require the oversight of these officers on a daily basis.
The security provided by these officers can involve any number of activities. Protection in one case may require a strict, in-person presence. In another case it may involve more of the use of surveillance equipment and cybersecurity. In the end though, the security of the person, place, or thing, being guarded is of the highest core priority.
Real-Life Applications
To better illustrate the protective security officer at work in real-life applications, let’s look to a few, indicative examples.
Bank, ATM Cash Transfers
You may have either seen these transfers take place or the conspicuous, armored vehicles that are used in the transport of these transfers. Many security officers at companies such as Brink’s and Dunbar actually serve as PSO’s. Here, the protective officers protect and transport cash transfers from one financial institution to another. Banks, ATM companies, companies dealing heavily in cash, and even the federal reserve all rely on this protective service and the PSO’s behind it on a daily basis.
Colleges and Universities
Many colleges and universities regularly employ protective security officers. This is because of the scale and value of the assets often contained within their premises. Aside from the value in the countless textbooks and any other educational assets on hand, many of these schools house other, more significant wares.
Valuable art exhibitions, history events with precious artifacts, and even precious antiquities owned by the school and kept there are all subject to devastating theft if not for the extensive network of protective security that is employed. Noteworthy people also may frequent campus, calling for their own unique protections. The protective security officer and all of their protective expertise are behind this effective guardianship on campus.
Related Resource: 5 Careers in Homeland Security Policy and Law
These are some of the basics on the duties and environs with which today’s protective service officers may work. Often unheralded by the masses, this profession is undoubtedly necessary and valuable beyond words. This is the position of the protective security officer today.